
Where you are going, we have been. We share all our beautiful experiences with you, so you can get inspired for a beautiful trip to Latin-America. 

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100 to 108 of 134 results

Puna in Argentina

| Anke Hendriks

Puna in Argentina

We have been driving through the Puna in Argentina for four days when we arrive at Antofallita, a 'village' in the middle of the unspoilt landscape in the northwest of Argentina. Nature is beautiful here.

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Northeast Brazil: different and undiscovered

| Anke Hendriks

Northeast Brazil: different and undiscovered

There is no doubt that Brazil has captured a special place in my heart. And I have only been able to get to know a small part of this country. Certainly I will come back for the Pantanal, the Amazon, but also for the northeast of Brazil.

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Mezcal, the pride of Oaxaca

| Anke Hendriks

Mezcal, the pride of Oaxaca

In the state of Oaxaca they do not produce and drink tequila but mezcal. Another Mexican pride that is gaining popularity in the rest of the country and the rest of the world. Anke visited the state and learned more about mezcal.

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Belize a must see destination

| Anke Hendriks

Belize a must see destination

Belize is probably not yet on everyone's wish list, which we think is wrong. Here are five reasons why you should have seen Belize.

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The Amazon in Colombia

| Johan van Rijswijck

The Amazon in Colombia

Ever since I was a child, I consider the Amazon to be something mystical, something magical. I do not miss any opportunity to visit this nature reserve. This time I visit the Amazon in Colombia.

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5 reasons not to miss Costa Rica

| Anke Hendriks

5 reasons not to miss Costa Rica

Costa Rica is recognised as one of the happiest countries in the world. With its tropical rainforests, wildlife and pristine white sandy beaches, this is no wonder. And there are even more reasons why you should not miss Costa Rica.

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Unique cloud forest at 2 hours from Quito, Ecuador

| Anke Hendriks

Unique cloud forest at 2 hours from Quito, Ecuador

Roque Sevilla, the owner of the Mashpi lodge, likes to share his love of nature with his guests. He does this in the special Mashpi reserve at a 2 hour drive from Quito, Ecuador.

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Petra on the Galapagos 1

| Petra Horsch

Petra on the Galapagos 1

A dream I had already for may years finally came true; I visited the Galapagos Islands! On our blog Petra talks about her experiences.

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Glacier cruise in Chilean Patagonia

| Anke Hendriks

Glacier cruise in Chilean Patagonia

Straight through the ice fields of Chilean Patagonia Luis Kochifa sails his unique and exclusive Kawesar route. Here enormous glaciers flow into fjords and canals, the lakes and rivers are bright blue and the islands are populated by playful sea lions.

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