Copyright and disclaimer
The content of this website is protected by copyright. The content may therefore not be copied, reproduced or distributed electronically or otherwise without the written consent of Sapa Pana Travel. If copying, reproducing or distribution is necessary to consult this website efficiently over the Internet for the purpose of using the services offered on it, the above does not apply.
The information provided on the website is only informative. Although the information provided on the website has been compiled with the utmost care, Sapa Pana Travel does not accept any liability for this information. No rights can be derived from any information, services, products and prices provided on the site. Sapa Pana Travel reserves the right at all times to change the information provided on the site unannounced. Dutch law applies on our website and disclaimer. This website is sometimes linked to external websites. The information on these external sites has not been verified by us for accuracy. We are not responsible for that information. You may use the information on our website for private purposes, provided that you include a reference to our website. If you wish to use the information from our website for commercial purposes, we expect you to ask us for permission in writing first. Sapa Pana Travel reserves the right to amend this disclaimer. The most up-to-date disclaimer can always be found on our website. This website is sometimes linked to external websites and sometimes photos of third parties can be used. We have done our utmost to contact all rights holders and/or to mention a source. If you do come across images that you believe to have the rights or the source mentioned is incorrect, please contact us by emailing