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Panamericana roadtrip memories 7

| Sapa Pana Travel

Panamericana roadtrip memories 7

We ended up in a traffic chaos that you had to smile your way through. We’d lost 2 cars within 5 minutes. The trick is to keep driving and hope that others stop. They usually do, about 5 centimetres from your bumper.

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Panamericana roadtrip memories 6

| Sapa Pana Travel

Panamericana roadtrip memories 6

Thousands of people between vaguely lit market stalls along the road dressed in typical traditional dress, women with black bowler hats.

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Lake Titicaca

| Anke Hendriks

Lake Titicaca

Lake Titicaca lies at an altitude of 3,812 metres and is the highest navigable lake in the world. It is mainly known for its beautiful surroundings, but the lake is also important from a historical point of view.

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An inspection trip never to be forgotten

| Johan van Rijswijck

An inspection trip never to be forgotten

In 2009 we were asked by the classic Volvo club to organize a trip with 80 Volvo's through South America. For this Johan made an inspection trip, it became an inspection trip never to be forgotten.

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From unexpected situations to unforgettable moments

| Johan van Rijswijck

From unexpected situations to unforgettable moments

Since 2008 I have organised various car trips with Sapa Pana Travel. As I made more of these trips, I learned that unexpected, in some cases difficult situations ended up creating the most special and unforgettable moments.

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The Long Way Up

| Johan van Rijswijck

The Long Way Up

At this time when we cannot travel, I enjoy the series The Long Way Up to the fullest. Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman drive from Ushuaia to Los Angeles. This series shows exactly why I love travelling.

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