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19 to 24 of 29 results

Travellers talking- Carretera Austral and Antarctica

| Sapa Pana Travel

Travellers talking- Carretera Austral and Antarctica

Of all the trips you can make in the world, just put this one on your list. The first part of the trip we drove over the Carretera Austral in Chile in 17 days. At the end of this journey the following started: on expedition to Antarctica!

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Animals in Peninsula Valdés

| Anke Hendriks

Animals in Peninsula Valdés

"Peninsula Valdés always has something to offer for everyone". This is what my guide told me when we left our hotel early in the morning. Whales, sea lions, penguins and a family of orcas looking for food. Wondering what it has to offer you?

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Patagonia Paul and Marian van Kalmthout

Patagonia Paul and Marian van Kalmthout

At the end of 2019 we made an individual tour through Chilean and Argentinean northern Patagonia, which was entirely done by Sapa Pana Travel. We enjoyed it and therefore highly recommend Sapa Pana Travel to anyone considering a trip to South America.

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Travelling around Argentina

| Anke Hendriks

Travelling around Argentina

Together with the dog Samba I walk through the vast pampas and think of last week. From the southern Patagonia to the wild jungle in the northeast of the country. What a great trip.

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Puna in Argentina

| Anke Hendriks

Puna in Argentina

We have been driving through the Puna in Argentina for four days when we arrive at Antofallita, a 'village' in the middle of the unspoilt landscape in the northwest of Argentina. Nature is beautiful here.

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| Anke Hendriks


Mendoza in Argentina is known for its Malbec wine. It is therefore the most important wine region of Argentina. But besides good wine you can do a lot more here.

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