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13 to 18 of 28 results

The 4 most beautiful places in the Atacama desert

| Petra Horsch

The 4 most beautiful places in the Atacama desert

The surroundings of the Atacama desert are breathtaking. Petra visits the cactus valley, active geysers and sees the impressive salt plains. She concludes her visit with one of the most colourful sunsets she has ever seen.

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Best time to travel in Patagonia

| Anke Hendriks

Best time to travel in Patagonia

Patagonia is one of the most beautiful places on earth. But when is the best time to visit Patagonia? In order to help you, we have listed everything you need to know about the best travel time to Patagonia.

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Travellers talking- Carretera Austral and Antarctica

| Sapa Pana Travel

Travellers talking- Carretera Austral and Antarctica

Of all the trips you can make in the world, just put this one on your list. The first part of the trip we drove over the Carretera Austral in Chile in 17 days. At the end of this journey the following started: on expedition to Antarctica!

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New Year’s Eve traditions in Latin America

| Anke Hendriks

New Year’s Eve traditions in Latin America

Latin America celebrates New Year's Eve in a grand way, but with its own, sometimes a little strange, traditions. For a little bit of old and new fun, we have listed 5 traditions for you.

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Unique: Futangue Hotel & Spa in Chile

| Anke Hendriks

Unique: Futangue Hotel & Spa in Chile

Futangue Hotel & Spa is located in a large reserve in the Chilean Lake District consisting of forests, mountains, lakes and waterfalls. This makes our Latin America heart beat faster. For you as a travel lover as well?

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Patagonia Paul and Marian van Kalmthout

Patagonia Paul and Marian van Kalmthout

At the end of 2019 we made an individual tour through Chilean and Argentinean northern Patagonia, which was entirely done by Sapa Pana Travel. We enjoyed it and therefore highly recommend Sapa Pana Travel to anyone considering a trip to South America.

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