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19 to 24 of 28 results

Glacier cruise in Chilean Patagonia

| Anke Hendriks

Glacier cruise in Chilean Patagonia

Straight through the ice fields of Chilean Patagonia Luis Kochifa sails his unique and exclusive Kawesar route. Here enormous glaciers flow into fjords and canals, the lakes and rivers are bright blue and the islands are populated by playful sea lions.

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Argentina Mr. and Mrs. van Son

Argentina Mr. and Mrs. van Son

We have been travelling with Sapa Pana Travel several times already. So when we had the idea to visit the Atacama desert we got in touch again. Also this time we were not disappointed. In fact, it turned out to be the most beautiful trip ever!

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Alto Atacama

| Petra Horsch

Alto Atacama

We fly over the Andes and arrive at the driest place on earth. This surrealistic landscape shows pure beauty like we have never experienced before. We are in the Atacama desert and visit the special hotel Nayara Alto Atacama.

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Carretera Austral

| Johan van Rijswijck

Carretera Austral

On the map of South America, it is a meaningless dash from north to south. But appearances are deceptive. The Carretera Austral is not only one of the most beautiful car routes in Latin America, it is also one of the world's best. Johan explains why.

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Travellers talking - Argentina

| Sapa Pana Travel

Travellers talking - Argentina

A journey through Patagonia, the lake district and northwest Argentina. It turned out to be a journey that more than exceeded our expectations.

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Panamericana roadtrip memories Gauchito Gil

| Johan van Rijswijck

Panamericana roadtrip memories Gauchito Gil

In 2011 - 2012 I drove the Panamericana Roadtrip together with 83 classic Volvo cars. We wrote down our experiences and compiled a book. On our blog you will now find the individual articles. This time about Gauchito Gil.

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